At School of OpenCohesion (ASOC) is an innovative educational path aimed at promoting and developing in Italian schools principles of active and conscious citizenship, through research activities and civic monitoring of European and national public funding. The project allows to develop digital skills, statistics and civic education to help students to know and communicate, with the help of journalistic techniques, such as public policies, and in particular cohesion policies, intervene in the places where they live. The course is divided into several stages:
- 4 lessons with online content and output to build in team and publish on your blog;
- A "civic monitoring visit", to observe the monitored project in the field, to interview and discuss with the parties involved;
- The organization on the territory of a final public event, to disseminate the results achieved during the course ASOC.
Teachers and students participate in the project with the support of the ASOC territorial networks, composed of the Europe Direct and CDE centers, the organizations of the "Friends of ASOC" and the Istat territorial contacts, and all contribute to the awarding of prizes and awards, including educational trips to Brussels at European institutions or guided tours to the Senate of the Republic.
The objective of each team is to carry out a thematic research to deepen the socio-economic, environmental and/or cultural characteristics of its territory starting from an intervention funded by cohesion policies on a theme of interest, chosen on the basis of information published in open format on the portal OpenCoesione, in order to improve our territory.